The Kimball Family Association

KFA Board Meeting-2021/December


Board Meeting

Date: December 8, 2021

Time: 7:07 PM

Location: Zoom


Doug McBride, Richard Kimball, Anne Hall, Julie Blalock, Sylvia Stevens, Ed Miller, Carol Kimball Stahl, Russell Bowden, Janine, and Heather


Doug McBride-Called to Order

Note taker:

Judy Miller, Recording Secretary

Meeting Minutes:

Recording Secretary Judy Miller

Reading of the meeting Minutes from Sept. 27, 2021

Minutes from last meeting have been sent to board members by e-mail. Read and approved

Password needs to be changed April 1st.

Financial Report given by Treasurer, Ed Miller:

General Checking






Year End 12/31/20


Checking 12/01/21

$ 2,365.50

Genealogy 12/01/21

$ 9,519.55

Total All Funds



Paid Members 12/21

Unpaid Members 2021

Total Members




New Members 2021 – 20

Unpaid members for 2020 will become inactive March 15, 2022

Membership dues will become $20 as of January 1, 2022

Report Approved

Agenda Item


Presenter: Carol Kimball Stahl

Carol received requests to access Kimball Family Tree in Ancestry.Com. My notes have memo of 51/22 but not sure what that was for. Inactive members will not keep access.

Anne will help Carol by contacting members to verify if they want a Resource Book sent to them Current members only will be able to receive. Current members in 2021 will receive the book at no charge. Anyone who joins and pays dues will be able to purchase the book for $45. The discussions revolved around continuous members or inactive members who send in membership – where do they fall in receiving a free book or being required to pay. The book will not be free until Dec. 31, 2021. Only members will have access to the book. One Book per household. Flash Drive can be provided and will have copy and print protection.

Myra is still working on next volume of Kimball Family Association. It is ready to go to except that the program Myra was using is no longer being printed. She is working with someone to convert the information over to a different format.

Agenda Item

Correspondence Secretary Report

Presenter: Sylvia Stevens

Sylvia is staying in contact with the Marriott Courtyard regarding the reunion for August 2022. She will have additional information as soon as the decision has been made if we meet in person.

Sylvia is also asking about putting a Kimball Family Cook Book as a fund raiser.

Agenda Item


Presenter: Dr. Julie Blalock

Subject was tabled for this meeting

Meeting was adjourned by Doug McBride 8:00 PO

Next meeting changed to February 10, 2022

Respectfully Submitted
Judy Miller
Recording Secretary

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Kimball Castle photo credit: Scott Snyder Photography.