The Kimball Family Association

Autumnal Greetings to all!


The trees here in southern Maine are just beginning to share their fall colors. Maybe by the time you are reading this, the stellar show that is predicted will be happening! Enjoy the colors wherever you are!

A quick recap since my last report: many of us have been very busy! We had our 55th annual Kimball Family Reunion in Nashua, NH the second weekend of August. And I do believe a good time was had by all! One table of attendees kept winning the alcoholic contributions to the various raffle fundraisers. I believe they were having a very good time! Sylvia Stevens once again pulled off a great 3 days, starting with a visit to the Littleton, MA, Historical Society on Thursday, some great presentations on postcards by Carol Kimball Stahl and one on cleaning gravestones by Deb Nower on Friday. Saturday was the annual meeting, where yours truly and the rest of the officers were re-elected to the same officer positions, with one exception: Rick Kimball of South Carolina was elected First Vice President to replace Janine Balistreri who decided to start law school this fall. Of course we all wish her the best, and also say ‘welcome aboard’ to Rick!

With a deadline of October 1st, created by the Board of Directors, to remove from the home of past president Myra Sparkowitz all the boxed three volume sets of the hard-bound Kimball Family History books, AND the four 4-drawer filing cabinets, plus stacks of unfiled papers AND many CDs and computer data…….we are almost there!

Doug McBride, our immediate past President has received the phone call we were waiting for, and is in the process of renting a UHaul trailer, a storage space in Nashua, NH and locating healthy backs & hearts for both the pick-up in Kennebunk ME and transport and unloading in Nashua. He is performing yeoman’s work, and we all should share a huge Thank You when it’s done.

A little background: Myra and her husband Gerald have been the guardians of all the Kimball histories for probably at least 25 years. It is now time to bring ourselves into the 21st century and transfer all our important information to the latest and greatest technology! The process has been a time-consuming process for the Board, learning, and then learning more about what the best choices are! Or as I like to call it, learning what NOT to do before we do it! If any of you members have personal experiences digitizing a very large piece of history, you are more than welcome to share ideas with any one of the members of the Board of Directors! And we’ll thank you!

We need new members! A year ago that was my focus, but it was set to the side with the moving project. A committee has been formed to create a new tri-fold pamphlet to be distributed “everywhere”, especially historical societies and libraries.

So I again challenge all our members to bring in one more Kimball to our fold. It’s not too early to say Christmas is coming, and don’t you all have at least one Kimball cousin or sibling or grandchild who would enjoy a gift of membership to find out more about that silly great aunt Nettie who grew enough asparagus to feed the town? Or whatever family story is worth treasuring? For those members in the path of Hurricane Helene, and any further storms to form this fall, please take care! AND Don’t Forget To Vote!

   Anne K. Falk

Anne Falk – KFA President 

  Kimball Family, The Membership list has been updated, please log into the member page to view or download the list.


2023 Biannual New England Regional Genealogical Consortium (NERGC)

The conference included an exhibition hall with dozens of commercial societies and venders; a society fair for noncommercial groups; and a vast array of speakers and presentations. Carol Stahl-Kimball, Anne Falk and I represented the KFA during the Society Fair. We spoke with numerous visitors and met two Kimball cousin’s and talked with a few folks that knew a Kimball. The overall attitude of the conference was infectious, so much that I expect to attend all three days when it returns in two years. I highly recommend attending the next conference to anyone looking to deepen their genealogy skills and knowledge.

For more information, including reservation form, please go to

Please contact Sylvia Stevens regarding survey questions

Phone: 603-424-3550

Email to: [email protected]

Mail to: 81 Turkey Hill Road, Merrirmack, NH 06054

KFA Donation Form [email protected]

Mail to: 81 Turkey Hill Road, Merrirmack, NH 06054

56th Kimball Family Reunion


August 2025


We are glad to announce the reunion for the
Kimball Family Association will be held on
August 2025 at the
Courtyard, Marriott, Nashua, New Hampshire.

We are contemplating making arrangements for a
day trip to a point of interest. More information to follow.


At the 2021 Reunion, we handed out 28 copies of the new KFA Resource Book. The contents of the 3-ring binder consists of “all things Kimball,” according to a Board member. The book tells of the beginnings of the KFA and provides information on the immigrant Richard. The benefits of membership are described. A fledgling section, “Notable Kimballs,” tells the stories of a few special Kimballs; more biographies will be added as we go forward. There are sections on developing your own “Notable Kimballs” and guides for research as well as storage of copies of the newsletter or special articles. A favorite section, “Location, Location, Location,” list 43 pages of places named, “Kimball,” across the nation reminding us of the depth and diversity of Kimballs.

The costs of materials, copying, and mailing are being underwritten by a special, very generous donor, it has been suggested that members might want to acknowledge the uniqueness of the Resource Book and make a financial contribution toward those expenses. However, the benefactor has suggested that members show their appreciation by making a donation to the scholarship fund. A letter giving more detail will be included in each mailing. Those of you who have already received your copies may wish to make a similar contribution.

Please be sure that you are paid through the end of 2024 to receive your copy.

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Kimball Castle photo credit: Scott Snyder Photography.