The Kimball Family Association

KFA Board Meeting-2021/January


Board Meeting

Date: January 27, 2021

Time:  7:00 PM

Location: ZOOM


President Richard Kimball, 1st VO Doug McBride, 2nd VP Anne Falk, Treasurer Ed Miller, Correspondence Secretary Sylvia Stevens, Recording Secretary Judy Miller, Scholarship Chair Julie Blalock, Genealogy Carol Stall, Russ & Marion Bowden, Ralph Stevens


Richard Kimball called to order

Financial Report given by Treasurer, Ed Miller:

General Checking


Balance Forward 01/27/2021


Scholarship Account

Balance Forward 01/272021


Genealogy Account

Balance Forward 01/27/2021

Balance Forward

Total All Funds 4/28/2020




New members 2020

Paid Members 2020

Unpaid Members 2020

Total Members 2020





Agenda Item


Presenter: Sylvia Stevens


Sylvia has been in conversations with Courtyard regarding reserving the date and gathering information for meals. Discussion on date to make final decision to see if it will be in person on Zoom only. Decisions to be made are if we do hold the meeting in person, will we also offer Zoom for any portion of the meeting and if we do for how much of the meeting. Stay tuned.

The decisions will be made during next Board Meeting on April 21, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.

Agenda Item


Presenter: Carol Kimball Stahl


Carol is continuing to gather information for the Kimball Resource Book. Discussions on how many to order and where some of the information has been gathered from. She is also working on specific section. Again, there will be eight sections, three ring binder that will allow family members to add their information. Anne to send info on Maine Kimball’s and Julie/Ed will provide information for Scholarship winners.

Carol will be having hip surgery so we all wished her well.

Agenda Item


Presenter: Dr Julie Blalock


Julie is gathering information on previous winners and will share that information with Carol for book. The goal is to contact some of the winners to see where they in their life. This information will be added to Newsletters.

Agenda Item

Website Update

Presenter: Judy Miller


Tanya is updating the website. She will check for information on Reunion. Membership Directory has been added. The new password for 2021 will be changed the end of March and will be sent out with the March newsletter. The password will be Suffolk1634 for 2021.

Agenda Item

New England Genealogical Historical Society

Presenter: Anne Falk


Anne researched information for the New England Genealogical Historical Society Convention being held during April and May of 2021. Anne, Carol and Doug have volunteered to Represent KFA for two dates. The dates of April 3 and May 16.

KFA will offer free membership for 2021 to hope they will continue with us. They will be directed to our website for membership form.

Agenda Item

Scholarship Endowment Project

Presenter: Richard Kimball


Board agrees to put this project on hold. Date to be determined.

Agenda Item

Next Board Meeting on April 21, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned 8:35 pm

Respectfully Submitted
Judy Miller
Recording Secretary

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Kimball Castle photo credit: Scott Snyder Photography.