The Kimball Family Association

KFA Board Meeting-2020/July


Board Meeting

Date: July 18, 2020

Time:  3:31 pm

Location: Zoom


Richard Kimball-President, Dorothy Greene-2nd Vice president, Ed Miller-Treasurer, Sylvia Stevens-Correspondence Secretary, Judy Miller-Recording Secretary, Russ Bowden-Past President, Marion Bowden-Past Vice President, Dr Julie Blalock-Scholarship, Ralph Stevens-Scholarship, Carol Kimball Stahl-Genealogist


Richard Kimball called to order

Meeting Minutes:

Recording Secretary Judy Miller

Everyone received by e-mail and had reviewed. No changes were made. 

Financial Report given by Treasurer, Ed Miller:

General Checking


Year End Balance 2019


Income Credits In Reserved for Reunion


Deposits Transfers In


Expenses Debit Out


Debit Card

Transfers Out

Register Balance 7/18/2020

Checks Outstanding







Balance Forward 4/28/2020


Scholarship Account

Year End Balance 12/31/2019

Income Credit In Interest

Deposits Transfers In

Expenses Debits Out


Debit Card

Transfers Out

Register Balance 4/28/2020

Checks Outstanding

Balance Forward 4/28/2020











Genealogy Account

Year End Balance 12/31/2019

Income Credit In Interest

Deposits Transfers In

Expenses Debits Out


Debit Card

Transfers Out

Register Balance 4/28/2020

Checks Outstanding

Balance Forward 4/28/2020











Genealogy Account

Year End Balance 12/31/2019

General Checking 4/28/2020

Genealogy 4/28/2020

Scholarship 4/28/2020

Total All Funds 4/28/2020







New members 2020

Paid Members-December 2020

Unpaid Members 202

Total Members 2020





Discussion regarding unpaid members. Some confusion as the Dues are now covering calendar year. Previously the dues covered September 1 through August 31. Even though it is printed in Newsletters, it seems that some still prefer to pay midyear. Minutes were sent by E-Mail for review. Carol Kimball Stahl recommended several changes and minutes resent. Next Newsletter to be sent after Reunion and is in the works. Membership to be listed in KFA Website Membership section. 48 responses, .6223% complete information and .3778% abbreviated information. All approved

Report Approved

Agenda Item

Reunion Update

Presenter: Sylvia Stevens


Reunion for 2020 will be held on August 8, 2020 at 3:30 on Zoom. Introduction of Members being presented for office will be introduced. Election will be held. The Members who will be presented to the Membership for election will be sent by e-mail or mail with the information on how to connect through Zoom prior to the meeting. Only Members who are current with Dues will be able to vote for confirmation.

Members being presented for the Board are:

President – Richard Kimball

1st Vice President – Doug McBride

2nd Vice President – Anne Falk

Treasurer – Edwin Miller

Assistant Treasurer – Al Hall lll

Corresponding Secretary – Sylvia Stevens

Recording Secretary – Judy Miller

Dates for 2021 Reunion will be August 13-14. Reservation has been made with Courtyard Marriott in Nashua, NH

Agenda Item


Presenter: Carol Kimball Stahl


Carol contacted Lisa Sands and she has agreed to work with Carol researching Genealogy.

Carol has been appointed Point Person for the Kimball Resource Booklet. She asked for suggestions on design, size and content. Suggestion (request) that print be large enough to read easily. The size could be 4x6, 5x9, or what will work with information included. Possibly spiral bound or staple bound. It was also suggested that some of the outstanding essays from previous years be included. Past Presidents will also be listed. The Title is yet to be set. Tanya Burek is working on the Cover Design and Print to be submitted.

Agenda Item


Presenter: Dr. Julie Blalock


Julie received 11 applications. Of those received 7 qualified. Incomplete applications were 4. In reviewing the remaining 7 Julie suggested that we award 2 scholarships. The Board approved $3,000 for each.

Some discussion during our meeting went to an additional requirement might be GPA added.

Carol Motion to approve and Judy 2nd

All Approved

Agenda Item

Website Update

Presenter: Judy Miller


After Five By Design is almost complete with the update to Word Press. Tanya Burek has experience in working with this website so that will make it much easier to keep updated. Todd has asked for additional pictures and that request was shared with the Board.

Agenda Item

August 8th Reunion by Zoom

Presenter: Richard Kimball


Discussion on Zoom Meeting:

Welcome by President

Reports on 2019 Minutes and Treasurer Report for 2020

Information on Booklet with information on Cover and Table of Contents plus Membership listing on Website in the Membership Section.

Presentation of Members for Election and Vote (Members in Good Standing)

Meeting Adjourned 4:59 pm

Respectfully Submitted
Judy Miller
Recording Secretary

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Kimball Castle photo credit: Scott Snyder Photography.