The Kimball Family Association

KFA Board Meeting-2023/November


Board Meeting

Date: November 12, 2023

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Zoom


President -  Anne Falk, Vice President – Janine Balistreri, 2nd Vice President – Lisa Sands, Correspondence & Reunion- Sylvia Stevens, Society- Richard Kimball, Genealogy  - Carol Kimball Stahl, Finance  - Ed Miller, 2nd Finance - Doug McBride, Recording Secretary  - Judy Miller


Anne Hall-Called to Order

Note taker:

Judy Miller, Recording Secretary

Meeting Minutes:

Minutes to meeting August 12,2023 Reunion

All Attending received by e-mail - approved

All approved

Financial Report given by Treasurer, Ed Miller:

General Checking

Year End Balance 12/31/2022


Balance Forward 10/31/2023


Scholarship Account

Year End Balance 12/31/2022


Balance Forward 10/31/2023


Genealogy Account

Year End Balance 2019

Balance Forward 4/28/2020



Balance Forward

Total All Finds 10/31/2031

Total Membership



Report Approved

Agenda Item


Presenter: Carol Kimball Stahl

Carol – Little information. Discussion regarding Resource Book – Suggesting pausing or ending printing. Sang Happy Birthday to Carol.

All approved

Agenda Item

Board Members

Presenter: Anne Falk

Doug McBride has stepped down and 2nd Vice President. The Board voted to Lisa Sands taking that position.


All attending agreed

Agenda Item

Reunion Recap

Presenter: Sylvia Stevens


All attending the reunion, walking tours, Genealogy meeting Saturday afternoon were happy with content. Request to have speakers with time limits.

Dorothy Greene finding the Kimball Bible and having the family members attend was very interesting. Family member, Kimball Lewis, as speaker was interesting.

President Focus:


Richard Kimball will focus on Society Memberships for both and continued support

Lisa Sands will incorporate information on the Kimball Family Association into her Face Book and share information for Kimball Newsletters


All board members approved.

Next Meeting date: February 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Meeting ended 8:10 PM

Respectfully Submitted
Judy Miller
Recording Secretary

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Kimball Castle photo credit: Scott Snyder Photography.